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Alliance for
Epilepsy Research

is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt charitable organization.






What is Epilepsy?

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Epilepsy is a condition in which someone has unprovoked seizures at two or more separate times in their life.
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A seizure is an abnormal electrical discharge within the brain resulting in involuntary change in movement, sensation, perception, behavior, and/or level of a consciousness.
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In industrialized countries, between one and two percent of the population have epilepsy.  In the United States approximately 3 million people have epilepsy.
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In non-industrialized countries the rate of incidence is as high as ten percent.
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Ninety percent of those with epilepsy have normal IQ's.
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As many as sixty percent of those who have epilepsy do no have their seizures completely controlled.
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Mortality from epilepsy is between 20,000 and 40,000 yearly.  This rivals AIDS, or breast cancer, or automobile accident deaths.


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Causes of epilepsy include head injury, tumor, stroke, infection, genetics, and as many as 70% of epilepsy sufferers have no known cause.
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Treatments include medications, surgery, ketogenic diet, and Vagus nerve stimulation via an implanted device.

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Epilepsy affects more Americans than Muscular Dystrophy, Multiple Sclerosis, AIDS and HIV combined.
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Epilepsy is still a "hidden disease."   The public is very unaware of the difficulties and burdens shouldered by epilepsy patients, their families and caregivers.
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For over half of those with epilepsy, drugs do not completely control their seizures. For many more, drugs are not the ideal solution because of side effects or other limitations.
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Surgery is an appropriate treatment for very few, so with the side effects and inefficiency of drugs, we need other choices for treatment.  A cure for epilepsy would be even better!
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The socioeconomic and psychological factors can negatively impact quality of life as much or more than the seizures themselves.
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Many people with epilepsy are unemployed or sub-employed as a result of the unpredictability of seizures and/or effects of medication.
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The unpredictability of seizures, which last seconds, leads to a lifetime of potential disability.
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The financial impact of this disorder (both direct and indirect) on the individuals, families and society is difficult to total but is estimated at $12.5 billion annually in the U.S. alone.  It includes medical expenses, drugs, lost income and productivity from unemployment and sub-employment, social services, and much more.
buton1.gif (2545 bytes) There are as many as three million with epilepsy in the U.S. and 60 million worldwide.  Epilepsy truly lacks a voice.


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