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Mark your calendars for the 6th International Workshop on Seizure Prediction, November 6-7, 2013, Bahia Resort Hotel, San Diego, CA.  

The Alliance for Epilepsy Research will host the sixth in the series of seizure prediction workshops.

Go to www.iwsp6.org for the most current information.


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Click here to download a flyer for IWSP5. 


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Over the past several years, AER has been busy hosting two international conferences and completing the documentary, It Is Epilepsy: The Challenges & Promises of Automated Seizure Control.  A text book will be published from the proceedings of the conferences and several papers have been published in peer reviewed journals.  See below for more information.

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It Is Epilepsy: The Challenges & Promises of Automated Seizure Control

For complete information on the documentary, It Is Epilepsy, click here or on the documentary link at the left.


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Fourth International Workshop on Seizure Prediction

In June 2009 AER hosted the Fourth International Workshop on Seizure Prediction (IWSP4) in Kansas City, Missouri.  154 researchers from around the world attended the four-day conference and shared their progress and ideas on seizure prediction, generation and control.  Details are available at the IWSP4 website, www.iwsp4.org.

The book, "Epilepsy: The Intersection of Neurosciences, Biology, Mathematics, Engineering and Physics," will be released in Spring 2011.  Click here for more information.

Three papers from the IWSP4 proceeding were accepted for publication in the journal, "Epilepsy and Behavior."  They are:
          Seizure prediction: The Fourth International Workshop
          Controversies in epilepsy: Debates held during the Fourth International Workshop on Seizure Prediction
          Patient and Caregiver Perspectives on Seizure Prediction

In addition, a summary of the workshop was published in the journal of the Deutschen Gesellschaft für Epileptologie, which is the professional organization for epilepsy in Germany.

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Sanibel Symposium
Nocturnal Frontal Lobe Epilepsy: An Interdisciplinary Perspective

As an extension of IWSP4, a two-day seminar on "Nocturnal Frontal Lobe Epilepsy (NFLE): An Interdisciplinary Perspective" was held in Sanibel Island, Florida in February 2010.  14 experts from the U. S., Canada and Europe met to discuss NFLE and the potential of NFLE as a model for seizure prediction.  Many of the proceedings from this seminar will be included in the text book being published - see IWSP4 above.  For more information on the Sanibel Symposium go to www.sanibelsymposium.org.



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